
Hi! I’m Elena Grossman, an artist and educator practicing visual art, graphic design, and programming for exhibition spaces, print, and screen media. I have long been concerned with what art shows and hides, and particularly the ways graphic design says it’s revealing something while actually concealing something sinister. “Convealer” is the outgrowth of slip of the tongue during a conversation with Jessica Helfand and Emily Lessard.

My current project is my first step from maker in isolation to artist in community, an attempt to emerge via an expression of gratitude. I engage a set of internal dualities—fear/desire, show/hide, sick/well—to embark on a quest(ion): Where is it that I end and the other begins, and how can I thank them? How honest? How loud? How much to show? How much to hide? This is in process with a group of women I hardly know and already adore.

My degrees are in comparative literature (Columbia University) and graphic design (Yale), and I’ve taught digital art, art history, and graphic design at Southern Connecticut State University, Quinnipiac University, SUNY Cortland, and Penn State University. Currently I teach part time at Central Connecticut State University with some of the best colleagues and students imaginable. I’ve designed magazines, freelanced for art galleries, and worked in house at Art Technology Group and the Yale Center for British Art.

I grew up in Hudson, NH. After periods in New York, Boston, New Haven, Syracuse, and Gettysburg, I am back in the North End of Middletown, CT—for good this time.

My great loves are my spouse Adrian, lost beloved cats Harvey, Maya, and Duchovny, and miraculous 16-year-old dog Genie.

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