Celebrate pride with small and large handmade buttons in gorgeous colors and patterns.
Artisanal swag for sale

Finished works by Elena Grossman are available for purchase. See each item for prices. Contact me to inquire or purchase.
Celebrate pride with small and large handmade buttons in gorgeous colors and patterns.
No legislature may make a law that is overly burdensome or restrictive of fundamental rights.
For sale: Drawings from Noun Verb project. Pencil, acrylic, and vinyl on paper, $65 each, part of #artistsupportpledge. Please send email to elena@convealer.com to buy one. Second series, April 2021: Each piece has at least an eighth of an inch margin. Blast, 5.5 x 7.5 in: A distorted cube floats in a cloudy grey green […]
For sale: Crystal Line Dialog(ue), 2021, pencil, acrylic, and vinyl on 100% cotton bristol, 12 x 16 inches, $200, part of #artistsupportpledge. Please send email to elena@convealer.com to buy this painting. Two ten-sided objects float in a blue-marine field. They are imaginary. The walls are multi-layered, translucent, and orange, green, and blue. There may have […]
For sale: Drawings from Noun Verb project. Pencil, acrylic, and vinyl on paper, $50 each, part of #artistsupportpledge. Please send email to elena@convealer.com to buy one. First series, January 2021: Each piece is tightly cropped, 6 x 6 inches. 1. Draw and 2. Slide: red. orange, and pink planes of a mechanical hand reach down […]